A Unique Philosophy
Welcome to Rediscover Nutrition! I'm Sam Finkelstein -- a weight-neutral, anti-diet Registered Dietitian Nutritionist currently serving the San Francisco Bay Area, and others remotely. I believe in evidence-based research (a sentiment most Registered Dietitians are whole-heatedly on board with!). But I also believe that the scope of research is often limited, and leaves a lot of people out. My approach to nutrition takes my values as a Registered Dietitian, dedicated to providing evidence-based care, and combines it with my passion for treating the whole human being. Research repeatedly supports that dieting in any form is ineffective, and does more harm than good to our physical bodies, our emotional wellness, and our body image. I have helped countless individuals reclaim their relationships to food and their bodies, and have guided people back to finding joy in their eating, escaping the exhaustion and stress that comes with extreme forms of eating. My work is driven by my firm belief that we all deserve to have a trusting relationship with our food and our bodies. My clients range from those with diagnosed eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, to individuals who are simply done with dieting, and ready to find a flexible relationship to food that is both stress-free, and shame-free. If you're interested in working with me, visit the Work With Me page, or check out Beyond Measure: A Wellness Collaborative. The latter is where I spend most of my time doing 1:1 work with patients, alongside an incredible team of weight-inclusive, thoughtful therapists and fellow dietitians.
I completed my education through California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and through the Morrison Chartwells Dietetic Internship, affiliated with Compass Group North America.
You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at the handle @SamTheDietitian. I strongly value confidentiality, and all work with me in my practice is in compliance with HIPAA. Please note that if you follow me on social media, I am not able to control who sees your engagement with my account. You may also sign up for my newsletter for bursts of inspiration sent straight to your inbox.